Eddy Current Separator Manufacturers

Eddy Current Separator Manufacturers in India

Looking for the top Eddy Current Separator Manufacturers? Our company is well-known in the industry for the complete closeout of Eddy Current Separators, which are used as a strong magnetic field to separate non-ferrous metals from garbage after all ferrous metals have been removed using a magnet arrangement. The available metal dividers are customizable in a variety of ways. They stand out for having an excellent arranging limit. Eddy currents are used by the device to cause the separation. If a magnetic exchange field is introduced to non-ferrous power channels, the eddy current effect manifests. It completely separates recyclables such as scrap accumulation, metal, copper, and other non-ferrous metals from your item stream and urban strong trash. The design of these is based on the principle that a conductor in a high recurrence substitute magnetic field can generate starting current. When a conductive non-ferrous metal passes through a solid, high-visit magnetic field created on the surface of the arranging roller during operation, eddy current is sparked in the non-ferrous metal assortment.


  • sturdy manufacturer with anti-vibration padding
  • Nothing but priceless content lost
  • Minimal upkeep
  • shielded additional recycling machiner
  • High yields for recovering non-ferrous metals