Magnetic Drum Separator Manufacturers

Drum Magnetic Separator Manufacturers in India

Looking for the top Magnetic Drum Separator Manufacturers? Magna Tronix, Drum Magnetic Separator Manufacturers in India, Drum Type Magnetic Separator Manufacturers.Where there is a vertical material flow, hump magnets are typically utilized. They are composed of two plate magnets installed in an offset housing. The primary application of hump magnets is the extraction of ferrous metals from granules, powder, food goods, and other materials. Typically, hump magnets are put in vertical spouts and comprise of two plate magnets positioned in an offset housing. In order to ensure clean output material, the material that falls directly onto the first magnet changes direction and falls over the second magnet. Because they are hinged, it is simple to open the magnets for cleaning purposes. Any size pope or duct may be accommodated with our selection of hump magnets.