Overband / Cross Belt Magnetic Separator Manufacturers

Overband / Cross Belt Magnetic Separator Manufacturers in India

Searching for the top Overband / Cross Belt Magnetic Separator Manufacturers? Well, Magna Tronix known to be leading Overband Magnetic Separator Manufacturers, Cross Belt Magnetic Separator Manufacturers, Cross Belt and Overband Magnetic Separator Manufacturers in India. Cross belt magnetic separators are an excellent option for continuous ferrous particle separation from material moving on conveyors since they are a real self-cleaning industrial magnetic separator system. A heavy-duty industrial conveyor running in reverse houses a powerful overhead suspended plate magnet that powers these separating systems. Overband magnets, which come in permanent and electromagnetic forms, are suspended above conveyors to separate ferrous metal that is causing disruption. We can now provide the widest selection of overband magnets with the best performance because of recent investments in production processes and magnet technology. Overband magnetic separator are utilized in resource recovery, steel reclamation for secondary market sales, and ferrous contamination separation from other recyclable materials like wood, concrete, glass, tires, and crushed aluminum.Many establishments employ overband/ cross magnetic separator to safeguard equipment, including mines, cement factories, and quarries that have crushers. Pulp and paper mills use them on wood chips, while power plants employ them to prevent tramp metal from entering coal pulverizers